07 Jun Chile: Migrants’ human rights training
IOM trains health officials on migrants’ human rights.
“Chile – IOM Chile recently trained 314 health sector officials to provide them with a detailed understanding and raise awareness about migrants’ human rights, migration and health, and trafficking in persons.
“The training, which consisted of 10 workshops with 171 civil servants trained on migration and health and 143 on trafficking in persons, was held in Antofagasta and Santiago between 17 April and 30 May. The training is part of the support that IOM has been providing to the Ministry of Health to enhance migrants’ rights to health by training health workers and creating awareness-building policies in relation to migration.”
By the International Organization for Migration
Read whole article here: http://reliefweb.int/report/chile/iom-chile-trains-health-officials-migrants-human-rights-health-trafficking-persons