08 Jun Azerbaijan: Interactive human rights exercises
Students at the Baku European Lyceum in Azerbaijan create interactive human rights exercises.
“The school participated at the 2016 Regional Summer Academy ‘Democracy at School’, in Poland. There the team started working on the project ‘Development of democratic values of students in real and virtual space through digital stories’.
“With the help of two mentors, Aliyarzade Alirza (8th grade) and Guliyev Murad (7th grade), the students then developed the virtual exercises or presentations covering a broad range of topics such as defining terms associated with citizenship and human rights education, children’s rights, democracy at school, tolerance and others. In addition, students also created posters depicting human rights.”
By The European Wergeland Centre
Read whole article here: http://eng.theewc.org/Content/Results/Children-create-interactive-human-rights-exercises