When Literacy Gets Critical

When Literacy Gets Critical

CHINA –  Dr. Lina Sun, writing in Improving Literacy & Communication Language Magazine, a publication that provides information to language learners and educators throughout the world, makes the case for including a Human Rights curriculum in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL).  Dr. Sun currently works and researches at the School of Foreign Languages, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China.  She suggests the use of graphic novels in teaching Human Right and anti-violence.  According to Dr. Sun, “Comprehensive peace education is a response to the violence that pervades our relationships with one another and with the natural world. … [It includes] education for human rights that gives priority to learning about killing, genocide, rape, torture, violation resulting from racism, ethnicity, religion, or gender, as well as the study of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

The complete article may be found here: https://www.languagemagazine.com/2017/11/literacy-gets-critical/