
Human rights belong to everyone equally. This site, its resources, our organization, and everything we offer is for you—teachers, facilitators, and students. We call our curriculum Colega, meaning your friend and partner in teaching and learning about human rights.  Through human rights education, Colega can help you develop the knowledge, skills and commitment necessary for promoting equality, dignity, kindness, and respect in your own community and throughout the world.


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Training 1 in English

Human rights education is important in the life of every child.

The 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, created by the United Nations after World War II, identified 30 specific human rights that apply to everyone, everywhere.

Many children do not their human rights. Teaching children Human Rights brings excitement and critical education to the classroom.

The Colega Manual teaches human rights found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Colega manual includes lessons on Equality, Discrimination, Bullying, Marriage and Family, Religion or Belief, Education and Duty to the Community.

As a member of the United Nations, your country has agreed to uphold and teach the principles and values as found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Colega materials have been developed to help you educate young people in your community on its principles. This manual is provided at no cost by the Geneva Office for Human Rights Education.

Office for Human Rights Education in Geneva, Switzerland

Colega means friend.  Our logo represents children and their books, emphasizing human rights for all children.

Colega lessons help teachers, administrators and students learn about their rights and responsibilities.

Colega lessons include songs, stories, activities, questions, discussion and challenges.