
Human rights belong to everyone equally. This site, its resources, our organization, and everything we offer is for you—teachers, facilitators, and students. We call our curriculum Colega, meaning your friend and partner in teaching and learning about human rights.  Through human rights education, Colega can help you develop the knowledge, skills and commitment necessary for promoting equality, dignity, kindness, and respect in your own community and throughout the world.


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Training 2 in English

Each Colega lesson consists of six components.

The teacher welcomes the students and engages them in a song, chant or poem related to the lesson or one that fits culturally.

Example of a welcome found in the manual.

The teacher asks students to share their experiences based on the challenge from the previous lesson. In Lesson 1A the Review is the Initial Assessment.

Example of a review found in the manual.

The teacher introduces the human rights article in the lesson by having students read it or by using an activity with questions.

Example of an introduction found in the manual.

The teacher can develop the human right with stories, activities and questions and discussions.

Example of a story in the form of a skit and song.

Example of an activity called the Human Chair.

Example of an activity as a game called Race to the Top.

Questions and discussions help students make deeper discoveries.

The teacher helps students discover the point of the lesson.

Example of a skit and a student sharing a conclusion.

The challenge encourages students to apply what they’ve learned about a human right to their daily lives.

Example of a challenge found in the Secondary Manual, Lesson 2A.  The challenge is always located at the end of every lesson in the manuals.

What Makes Colega Work? is an essential document for teaching Colega lessons.  It can be found on every country page.

Find the website at:

At the top, click on countries and then on Ghana

At the top, click on Resources

After clicking on Resources, click on Music

Click on Lessons in English and then click on Facilitator Toolkit.

The front page lists the resources found in the Toolkit: Background Information, Guidelines and Teaching Tips, Songs, Glossary, Documents, Sample Assessments and Mini Posters.

Background Information

Guidelines and Teaching Tips




Sample Assessments

Click on Lessons in English and then click on Facilitator Notes and Reflections.