22 Jul Children’s Rights Education is Necessary
Read the argument a young woman in India lays out for why children need to be taught human rights as part of their education: Read Article...
Read the argument a young woman in India lays out for why children need to be taught human rights as part of their education: Read Article...
Teach human rights values to children during their crucial formative years so they would uphold, safeguard and cherish them for a lifetime. This was the...
The gap between the rights enshrined in that Convention and the everyday reality of children around the world is growing wider and wider as...
Indian actress Sheena Chohan, an advocate of human rights education and awareness, received the prestigious Human Rights Hero Award at the United Nations in New York...
Children's Rights, Education...
Ensure All Asylum-Seeking Children Are Enrolled in Coming School Year...
This is the News in Brief from the United Nations. Action against trafficking needed urgently: Guterres UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday urged States to take action against human...
The Pandemic has Brought to the Fore Systemic Deficiencies Affecting Children’s Education Like millions of other children, Mia Sulastri has been putting in extra effort to...
Summary May 17, 2021 News Release Pandemic’s Dire Global Impact on Education Decades of slow but steady progress in educating more children around the world abruptly ended in...
The UPR working group of the UN Human Rights Council adopted a preliminary report on the third review of Vietnam at a session at the...