
Human rights belong to everyone equally. This site, its resources, our organization, and everything we offer is for you—teachers, facilitators, and students. We call our curriculum Colega, meaning your friend and partner in teaching and learning about human rights.  Through human rights education, Colega can help you develop the knowledge, skills and commitment necessary for promoting equality, dignity, kindness, and respect in your own community and throughout the world.


Scroll down to access our training in English

Training in English

Learn why Colega was created, what others are saying about its educational benefits and its carefully developed materials and resources. Receive an introduction to Colega’s teaching principles, lesson organization and how students will learn about their rights and responsibilities.

Learn about the Six Components of Each Colega Lesson with examples of each component. Understand the principles that make Colega work. Receive a tour of the GO-HRE.ORG website and how to locate lesson materials, videos and other resources.

Learn the importance of preparing a lesson using the Six Components of Each Colega Lesson.  See more examples of lesson components.  Actually prepare a lesson and present it to a group.  Learn more about the document, “What Makes Colega Work?”.

The Live Training system has been converted to a powerpoint presentation file so that it may be downloaded to a computer or USB drive when access to the internet is unreliable or non-existent. Click here for instructions. Be aware that the file is 562 MBytes in size and may take a while to download over a slow internet connection. Be sure to download the accompanying outline below. Updated TBA.

The Live Training outline should be downloaded with the powerpoint file above. It contains suggested text for each slide. Presenters should use their own thoughts and ideas to enhance the concepts presented on each slide.