14 Sep JAPAN: NPO Provides Human Rights Training
The Mainichi Shimbun reports on an NPO that is providing education for Japanese companies in human rights. Such training is viewed as increasingly important as the number of foreign workers in Japan rises. According to Mun Gong Hwi, head of the Osaka-based nonprofit organization, Multi-Ethnic Human Rights Education Center for Pro-existence, people in the United States tend to be aware that [racial] harassment is an infringement on human rights, and that “preventative measures … are urgently needed in Japan” as the number of foreign workers rises. The article points out that “as the foreign population grows, the Multi-Ethnic Human Rights Education Center for Pro-existence has put its focus on human rights in Japanese workplaces, and is producing educational booklets to promote those ideals.”
Read more: https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20180909/p2a/00m/0na/013000c