08 Feb UKRAINE: Educators Trained in Teaching Course on Human Rights
University level educators in the Ukraine have recently received training in using an interactive teaching technique to introduce students to the principles of democracy and...
University level educators in the Ukraine have recently received training in using an interactive teaching technique to introduce students to the principles of democracy and...
As reported in the independent student website Pipe Dream , Binghamton University (BU) of New York has established a Human Rights Institute. The article indicates...
Speaking at Indonesia’s Jakarta International Conversation on Human Rights, the country’s Foreign Miniister spoke of the importance of cooperation in the propmotion and protection of...
Integrating the teaching of Human Rights with Science, Technology, Engineering and technology (STEM) curriculums was explored at a recent conference of the American Association for...
As reported by the Times of India, a two-day national seminar on the interesting and relevant combination of Globalization, Environment and Human Rights was held...
Writing in The Express Tribune Saba Naz reports that Life Skills, including knowledge of Human Rights, will be included in the curriculum of primary schools...
Jellofnrews reports on a three day training workshop, part of a human rights building program, conducted to provide training to The Gambia’s State Intelligence Service...
The Church of Scientology Amsterdam has launched a series of activities to celebrate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with an event at the church’s...
The Art for Human Rights student art exhibit has opened in the Sandpoint High School Library. The Bonner County Daily Bee reports the following. ,...
Maria Burns, writing in The Daily Telescope, reports on the training of 700 supervisors of the Mexico Federal District of Education in Human Rights Education....