20 Sep PAKISTAN: Human Rights Education Workshop for Teachers
The Fazaldad Human Rights Institute (FHRI) provided a one day workshop in human rights education for teachers. The workshop was cosponsored by Rice Partners (Pvt) Ltd (RPL) and by Mars Food. As reported by Daily Times, the purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness and understanding on the concept of human rights education. The workshop was attended by over 50 teachers from the different schools of district Sheikhupura. Project Officer Mr Rizwan Ali of FHRI told the participants that, “our training program has reached over 75,000 teachers, judges, police officers, bureaucrats, and elected local body representatives. … 170,000 students have been direct beneficiaries of this program while indirect beneficiaries run into the millions.”
Read more: https://dailytimes.com.pk/298486/training-workshop-on-human-rights-education-held/