20 Jul Shan State, Myanmar: Shan State Women’s Organization held evening trainings for local women
The Shan State Women’s Organization held evening trainings for local women on topics such as computer literacy, women’s issues, and human rights.
“The training provides lessons on human rights, using computers, women’s issues, law, rules and regulations, media, domestic affairs management and the position and policy of the SSPP, according to an official from the SSA/SSPP.
“’Our aim is to help boost the local women’s knowledge, develop their capacities so that they can contribute in regional development and encourage them to join with local residents and women from various areas in uplifting the society,’ said Nan San Phaung, who assisted in organizing the training.”
By S.H.A.N
Find article here: http://www.bnionline.net/news/shan-state/item/3249-women-s-training-offered-in-ssa-sspp-headquarters.html